Projecting A City's History With Rosco Image Spot®

Bet She'an, located in the Northern District of Israel, is one of the country’s oldest cities. First settled in the Chalcolithic era, circa 4500 BCE, the city has been almost continuously inhabited...

Tatiana Massano June 14, 2017 Questions?

Dancing With Grace On Rosco Floors

Dance Branson School Of The Arts is a performing arts studio based in Branson, MO that provides premiere instruction in a number of disciplines, including: ballet, jazz, tap, contemporary and musical...

Tatiana Massano June 12, 2017 Questions?

The 2017 NBA Postseason Anthem Energized By Miro Cubes

New Orleans-based Gaffer Trenton McRae has discovered a new way to create black light effects on camera – Rosco’s Miro Cube™ UV365 LED fixture. In the short time he’s owned them, Trenton has already...

How To Create Translucent Backlit Scenery Effects

Scenic Artist Laura Scheving recently created a project that she simply described as her “Magic Translucent Drop.” It’s an excellent example of how to create vivid sunrise or sunset scenery that only...

Angelique Powers June 01, 2017 Questions?

Shooting Vancouver For California Courtesy of Rosco SoftDrop®

When Production Designer Daniel Novotny first read the script for The Arrangement, he was impressed with the authentic dialogue and its believable A-list celebrity love story that’s shrouded in the...

A Modern Lighting Solution For A Modernist Masterpiece

Miesian Plaza is an office complex built over three blocks in the heart of Dublin's Central Business District. Originally serving as the headquarters for the Bank of Ireland for many years, the...

Tatiana Massano May 26, 2017 Questions?

How To Paint Stunning, Realistic Stained Glass

Painting stained glass for the stage is always high on a scenic artist’s wish list of projects. Not only can they be very pretty, but they also give us a chance to flex our problem-solving muscles....

Angelique Powers May 18, 2017 Questions?

Three Reasons Why Rosco LitePads Make Excellent Makeup Mirror Lights

While stage lighting is a crucial element for any art performance, backstage lighting is no less important. The lighting in the dressing and makeup rooms, for example, can have important safety and...

Tatiana Massano May 16, 2017 Questions?

Stan Talks: Painting The Way Into Unfamiliar Territory

Stan Talks features interviews with Rosco’s Chairman of The Board Stan Miller as he reflects upon the company’s history and how Rosco Laboratories became the company it is today. In this episode, Mr....

Chanda Goldsworthy May 09, 2017 Questions?

Projected Motifs Bring Ancient Islamic Empires To Life

The Museum of Islamic Art houses one of the world’s greatest collections of Islamic artifacts. Located in the Qatari capital of Doha, MIA displays Islamic Art from the past 1400 years and from three...

Tatiana Massano May 04, 2017 Questions?