Okay - so with a name like Spectrum, I feel we would be remiss if we didn't comment on this news story. For those who haven't seen it - one of the most viral videos on YouTube the past several months...
Joel Svendsen September 17, 2010 Questions?
Did you know that every summer Rosco employees from around the world gather in Stamford, CT to discuss strategy, sales successes and look at new products or product developments? The theme for this...
Joel Svendsen August 31, 2010 Questions?
Joel Svendsen Welcome to Rosco Spectrum! I'm your host - Joel Svendsen! In the coming months Spectrum will share with you stories, images, videos, links and other materials that give you some insight...
Joel Svendsen August 13, 2010 Questions?
noun pl. spectra spec·tra (-trə) or spec·trums Physics The distribution of a characteristic of a physical system or phenomenon, especially:a. The distribution of energy emitted by a radiant source,...
Joel Svendsen June 28, 2010 Questions?