"God, I Love This Job." - Cristian Arroyo Mora

Cristian Arroyo Mora is a Business Development Manager, based in Rosco Iberica’s office in Spain. He wrote this internal memo to his Rosco colleagues around the world shortly after he returned from a...

Joel Svendsen November 09, 2011 Questions?

Spectrum Blog-o-versary Celebration Giveaway!

Its been a whole year since we started our blog, Spectrum. To help celebrate our first year we are going to spend this week giving away Rosco prizes with a blog scavenger hunt! Here is how it will...

Joel Svendsen August 22, 2011 Questions?

The First 100 Years: From Gel & Foggers To Paint & Rotators - Adding the Rest of the Range

In this final Spectrum chapter examining Rosco's 100 year history, we continue to look at the events that influenced Rosco's development and, in turn, shaped our industry. So far, we've learned how...

Joel Svendsen December 29, 2011 Questions?

The First 100 Years: The Miller Years

As we enter the final months of Rosco's centennial celebration, we continue to look at the events that influenced Rosco's development and, in turn, shaped our industry. The Rosco as we know it today...

Joel Svendsen November 22, 2010 Questions?

The First 100 Years: From Gelatine to Roscolux

In case you haven't heard - Rosco turns 100 years old this year. We dedicated a portion of our LDI booth to showcase a time-line of our First Hundred Years and exhibit some of our 'museum pieces' to...

Joel Svendsen November 05, 2010 Questions?

Creative Cubicles

Last month ETC posted a great story on their blog Light Minds Think Alike showing photos of how the people at ETC personalize their workspaces. The saying “Great companies are comprised of great...

Joel Svendsen October 08, 2010 Questions?

The First 100 Years: What is the ROS of Rosco? and Laboratories?

In case you haven't heard - Rosco turns 100 years old this year. We pushed asked Stan Miller - who's run the company for 52 of those 100 years - for a collection of memories on how the business...

Joel Svendsen September 24, 2010 Questions?


It's good to be relevant! Today, mashable.com released a story about lovable Paul Vasquez 'cashing-in' on his new iPhone App: mashable.com/2010/09/21/double-rainbow-iphone-app The $0.99 app allows...

Joel Svendsen September 21, 2010 Questions?


Okay - so with a name like Spectrum, I feel we would be remiss if we didn't comment on this news story. For those who haven't seen it - one of the most viral videos on YouTube the past several months...

Joel Svendsen September 17, 2010 Questions?

Rosco Gathers to Celebrate 100 Years

Did you know that every summer Rosco employees from around the world gather in Stamford, CT to discuss strategy, sales successes and look at new products or product developments? The theme for this...

Joel Svendsen August 31, 2010 Questions?