What Is The Perfect Light?

Light Collective, a UK based creative lighting consultancy, recently released a documentary - The Perfect Light Project - which asks lighting designers around the globe this very question: what is...

Tatiana Massano January 05, 2018 Questions?

RoscoVIEW Dials In The View For Mobile Broadcast Studios

EventRent is an international marketing solutions company that boasts nearly 150 promotional vehicles, trailers and touring stages used by brands all across Europe – including several impressive...

Sara Leeper December 14, 2017 Questions?

Spacing Out - Lighting Small Spaces with RoscoLED® Tape

Jay P. Morgan posted a lesson on The Slanted Lens about how to light in small spaces. To illustrate this common issue, he used our RoscoLED Tape VariWhite Gaffer Kit to illuminate the inside of an...

Joel Svendsen December 07, 2017 Questions?

Rosco & DMG Lumière - A Family Affair

We recently announced Rosco’s exciting acquisition of the French LED lighting company DMG Lumière. Now that they’re officially part of Rosco, we thought we’d give you a closer look at the family...

Lauren Proud November 21, 2017 Questions?

JetBlue Invites Rosco Into The Cockpit

JetBlue Airlines recognizes the value of compelling video content and has its own in-house team of filmmakers dedicated to producing videos for internal and external distribution. Videographer Zack...

Sara Leeper November 02, 2017 Questions?

Providing The RoscoVIEW For Al Jazeera Studios

The major global news organisation, Al Jazeera, recently built two revolutionary broadcast production facilities – their new European headquarters in London’s landmark Shard Tower and the network’s...

Tatiana Massano October 05, 2017 Questions?

MBC Fills Its New Studios With Rosco LED Technology

The Middle East broadcaster MBC Group has opened new studios in Dubai, UAE, and in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Both studios utilized cutting-edge technology – including Braq Cube WNC LED Fixtures and...

Tatiana Massano August 29, 2017 Questions?

Five Backdrops – Unlimited Possibilities

When it comes to background imagery for feature films and television shows, most art departments would prefer to design and build their own Custom Backdrops. Sometimes, whether it’s due to budget or...

Joel Svendsen August 16, 2017 Questions?

Four Haze Techniques To Enhance Your Filmmaking

Award-winning Director and Cinematographer Matt Bendo was recently hired to shoot a branded content short film for Kombat Arts Training Academy – a Mixed Martial Arts training facility near Toronto,...

The 2017 NBA Postseason Anthem Energized By Miro Cubes

New Orleans-based Gaffer Trenton McRae has discovered a new way to create black light effects on camera – Rosco’s Miro Cube™ UV365 LED fixture. In the short time he’s owned them, Trenton has already...