If All the World’s a Stage – Then the Dome Inside The King’s Theatre is the Star

The phrase “All the World’s a Stage” is a well-known line from As You Like It, but for theatre-goers in Scotland, this famous Shakespearian line now has an extra special meaning. It’s the title of...

Jenny Knott January 09, 2014 Questions?

Happy Holidays from Rosco

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas thanks to Rosco's holiday & winter themed gobos. Our friends over at Got Light in San Francisco shared some of their fantastic images that showcase how...

Joel Svendsen December 24, 2013 Questions?

Lanes, Trains and Gobo Reveals

It’s a well-known fact that moving light manufacturers include a set of stock gobos in every unit they make. With that in mind, it’s good to remember that those gobos can be replaced with patterns...

Joel Svendsen November 18, 2013 Questions?

Black Light Effects - They're Not Just for Halloween Anymore

Tis the season for haunted houses, spooky mazes and Halloween parties. No doubt, if you partake in any of the above, you'll probably experience at least one black light effect. We covered what makes...

Joel Svendsen October 30, 2013 Questions?

There’s More Than One Way to Stage a CATS

Italy is not especially renowned for its productions of modern musicals. Its fame lies in having invented the form of musical theatre called “opera.” When Saverio Marconi, the acclaimed director of...

Margie Heymann September 26, 2013 Questions?

All Of The GAM Products You Love – Where You Need Them, When You Want Them

When Rosco & GAM merged this spring, there was an outpouring of support from customers expressing their love for their favorite GAM products. In this Spectrum post we’re going to highlight some of...

Joel Svendsen September 12, 2013 Questions?

"Color Punch" for Your Scenery - Without Busting the Budget

As fall approaches, many theaters and scene shops are beginning to put together the list of supplies they’ll need for the coming season. Unfortunately for scenic artists, drama teachers and technical...

Jenny Knott August 28, 2013 Questions?

Solid State Lighting is HOT… In More Ways Than One!

By Robert Kodadek Robert Kodadek is President of Black Tank, Inc. a fixture design company which has recently formed a strategic partnership with Rosco for the development and distribution of LED...

Joel Svendsen August 14, 2013 Questions?

Creating My Fairytale Wedding with Rosco

By Chanda Goldsworthy Having worked at Rosco for over 7 years now, not a day goes by that I don’t see a building, movie or theatre production that doesn’t involve a Rosco product in one way or...

Chanda Goldsworthy August 01, 2013 Questions?

Thanks For The Memories, A Good-bye Message From Stan Schwartz - Rosco's Executive Vice President

By Stan Schwartz Remember Bob Hope’s theme song “Thanks For The Memory”? That’s the thought that runs through my mind as my retirement from Rosco approaches. I’ve been associated with the company for...

Joel Svendsen July 10, 2013 Questions?

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