How To Bring Your Story To Life -With The Bare Necessities

When you’re retelling a classic, you need to make sure you portray the story and the characters properly, while also making sure that the familiar scenes are lively and stimulating to capture the...

Chanda Goldsworthy November 21, 2016 Questions?

Nike Electrifies Their Brand With Rosco Paint

I recently received an email from a gentleman named Thad Gessel at Derse, a marketing agency that handles the retail design and displays of Nike Stores across the United States. The email informed me...

Jenny Knott November 18, 2016 Questions?

Portraying Identity With Color

Lighting Designer Brandi Pick used Rosco Color Filters to portray the different identities of actress Gena Rowlands for a dance piece entitled Gena Gena! at East Carolina University. See how she used...

Chanda Goldsworthy November 15, 2016 Questions?

RoscoLED® Tape Illuminates Neal Preston’s Rock’n’Roll Hurricane

Neal Preston is a world renowned music photographer who has portrayed almost every rock legend of the past four decades. He has accompanied many iconic personalities on their tours and captured some...

Tatiana Massano November 10, 2016 Questions?

Off Broadway Electrifies Greased Lightning

Our Scenic Resource Gallery is a wonderful source of stories and examples of how users from all around the world use Rosco scenic products. Below is one of the stories we found in the gallery to...

Chanda Goldsworthy November 07, 2016 Questions?

Decoding the Language of Color The History of Rosco's Numbering System

We recently received an email in our general “” email box inquiring about Rosco filters. A theatre student at Oklahoma City Community College, was curious to find out how the Roscolux...

Chanda Goldsworthy November 04, 2016 Questions?

Tough Prime Black The Perfect Choice For Stage Floors

Matthew Timoszyk, the Technical Supervisor of the Historic Oroville State Theatre in Oroville, CA, recently tagged us in some photos on Facebook that showed how he prepped his stage deck for the...

Joel Svendsen November 01, 2016 Questions?

How Rosco Fog Turns The Berry Into Scary At Knott's

Knott’s Berry Farm has been transforming into Knott’s Scary Farm for over 40 Halloween seasons. Each year, guests that visit the park are surrounded by more than 1,000 monsters found roaming the park...

Matt DeLong October 28, 2016 Questions?

Celebrating Historic Careers At Rosco

Most people get excited when they pass the one-year mark at their job – and thrilled when they pass five. Now imagine what it’s like when that “job” turns into a career. And not just any career, but...

Joel Svendsen October 26, 2016 Questions?

The Changing Seasons of “Divorce”

As they began work on the HBO production Divorce, production designer Stuart Wurtzel and art director Fredda Slavin found themselves facing a challenge. They needed to create a set of backdrops that...

Chanda Goldsworthy October 18, 2016 Questions?