Storaro Colors Heighten The Passion In The Wild Party

Lighting Designer Christina Watanabe knew she faced a major challenge when she went into tech for The Wild Party at Post Theatre Company in Long Island, NY. Watanabe recalled how “the show was in a...

Randi Minetor July 30, 2020 Questions?

You Should Apply To Be A Rosco Ambassador!

We are building a Rosco Ambassador program and we’d love for you to join our crew. As a company that’s been around as long as Rosco, we are very fortunate to have built a community of loyal friends...

Lauren Proud July 16, 2020 Questions?

Be The Hero In Your Next Green Screen Shoot – Light It With MIX®!

It doesn’t matter if you’re shooting a commercial, a music video, an episodic television show, or a feature film - green screen shots have become an essential component for any production. Continue...

Promote Healthy Practices With Rosco Gobos For Health

Local businesses around the world are beginning to open back up. Many of those businesses are looking for ways to convey their health & safety messaging to their workers and customers. Gobo...

Joel Svendsen June 18, 2020 Questions?

Vittorio Storaro Reveals The Origin Of The Storaro Selection In Dick Tracy

The summer of 1990 saw one of the world’s biggest comic book heroes hit the big screen – long before The Avengers, Wonder Woman and Spiderman. Directed by and starring Warren Beatty, Dick Tracy...

3D Agents Of Shield and Rosco Provide A Clear Solution For PPE

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, two things happened simultaneously: the entertainment industry came to a very sudden halt, and the medical industry found themselves in desperate need of personal...

Joel Svendsen June 05, 2020 Questions?

A Glimpse Of Audi Innovations Through A Curtain Of Supergel Filters

Audi unveiled their latest innovations at the 2020 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. The innovative technologies of the world’s leading premium car company were on display inside an...

Tatiana Massano May 28, 2020 Questions?

Introducing Rosco Marley Mat™ Home Dance Floor Kits

There are many reasons a dancer might need a piece of marley dance floor in their home: Turn spare down-time into extra rehearsal-time Have a space for simple stretches anytime to stay limber A...

Joel Svendsen May 14, 2020 Questions?

How To Create Large Light Sources On Set With MAXI MIX® And LINK

One of the key features of our DMG Lumière MAXI MIX LED lights is their ability to be tiled and synced together. This feature enables filmmakers to create large or different shaped lights on set....

Joel Svendsen April 30, 2020 Questions?

Bring The Location To You With Rosco Backdrop Solutions

There are many reasons why a production might be forced to cancel a location shoot. Sometimes budgets or local incentives change, sometimes cast or crew schedules change, and sometimes a global...

Joel Svendsen April 16, 2020 Questions?