Creative Solutions In Lighting A Prop

For lighting designers, including the big time, Broadway-level guys, it isn’t always about the big rigs, moving lights and elaborate cue lists. It’s more about creative solutions…and knowing what’s...

Joel Svendsen September 12, 2011 Questions?

Spectrum Wavelengths: Something Borrowed, Something Blue

This Wavelengths post turns its attention to the color Blue and its current influence on Rosco and the world around us. Keep reading to learn about the 'Light it up Blue' campaign seen earlier this...

Joel Svendsen April 08, 2011 Questions?

Happy Holidays from Rosco Spectrum

Rosco LitePad helped add some holiday glow to an unloved Christmas ornament on our family Christmas tree this year. We have two vintage beeswax ornaments that were sent to us from family. Due to...

Joel Svendsen December 22, 2010 Questions?

Happy Halloween from Rosco Spectrum

When you work for Rosco, Halloween is the best holiday of the year! It's the one time of year we get to show off to all of the muggles (non-entertainment folk) what we do. When the cheapo fog...

Joel Svendsen October 28, 2010 Questions?

The Power of the Pigment

One of the key components needed in order to paint theatrical scenery is - SCENIC PAINT. With today's ever shrinking budgets - it gets harder and harder to justify (to others and maybe even to...

Jenny Knott October 01, 2010 Questions?