by Stan Schwartz Remember fluorescent light? It’s what your mother had in her kitchen. But it’s harsh, cold, and has a lot of green on it. Wavelength green, not environmental green. So no...
Joel Svendsen January 29, 2013 Questions?
For centuries, stained glass artisans have been using their art to bring color and life into homes and houses of worship. In a way, stained glass windows were the original color filters and talented...
Joel Svendsen January 16, 2013 Questions?
Ned Stark from HBO's hit series "Game of Thrones" with his family motto Last year's Creating A Winter Wonderland Spectrum Post briefly introduced a number of winter-themed effects. Three of the...
Joel Svendsen December 04, 2012 Questions?
Rosco’s X24 Effect Projector is widely known for creating the most dynamic, realistic water effect available – and it’s easy to use, install and maintain. Creative designers have found ways of using...
Joel Svendsen November 19, 2012 Questions?
As Rosco’s Color Product Manager, I am both a working lighting designer, and a self-professed color geek. That's why I am so excited to announce our new web tool, Rosco myColor. I have personally...
Wendy Luedtke August 28, 2012 Questions?
by Stan Schwartz, Executive Vice President On May 21st Rosco launched its upgraded website. The website contains scores of pages about the company’s multiple product lines. It has been upgraded to...
Joel Svendsen May 23, 2012 Questions?
April 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day, which kicks off World Autism Awareness Week. Seeing that our blog is called 'Spectrum' and that cities and landmarks all over the world will be lit up blue...
Joel Svendsen April 02, 2012 Questions?
The photos show some of Victoria Coeln’s work at St, Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna, Austria. She calls them “Chromotopias” and defines them as light spaces with no visible boundaries. These...
Joel Svendsen December 05, 2011 Questions?
As October begins, the world around us begins to take on all sorts of vibrant colors - yellows, ambers, deep reds & oranges... and pink - lots and lots of pink will be seen throughout city skylines...
Joel Svendsen October 03, 2011 Questions?
This Wavelengths post turns its attention to the color Blue and its current influence on Rosco and the world around us. Keep reading to learn about the 'Light it up Blue' campaign seen earlier this...
Joel Svendsen April 08, 2011 Questions?