The redevelopment of the public lighting on the Bonaguil Trail has recently been completed at the historical site of Château de Bonaguil, a medieval fortified castle in the French town of Saint-Front-sur-Lémance. The lighting concept, conceived by lighting design company Quartiers Lumières, includes a temporary lighting, sound, and video display that provides an enchanting atmosphere during the summer evenings to help attract tourists to the location. The company installed numerous Rosco Image Spots 3000ºK that complement the warm, serene illumination on the Trail with poetic gobo projections.
"The idea was to take advantage of the complete overhaul of the trail’s public lighting to offer a gentle, poetic, modulated accompaniment," explained Lionel Bessières, head of Quartiers Lumières, in a press release. Lionel specified fourteen Image Spots that were installed along the trail, linking the lower part of the village with the castle.

The compact and powerful projectors were discreetly integrated into the wall fittings to project gobo images onto the castle and its surroundings. “The size and price of the fixtures were right for this project,” said Lionel when asked why he chose Image Spot for this installation.
The images, designed by the artist Aymeric Reumaux, were turned into black & white glass gobos by Rosco’s gobo production team. The clean and crisp projections highlight the landmark with dreamlike compositions and portraits of characters from the castle.

The light and sound display can be enjoyed every summer from June to October. If you are in the area, make sure to visit the site and immerse yourself in the poetic illumination of Château de Bonaguil.

To learn more about Quartiers Lumières work, visit their website For more information about the products Lionel used to create enticing projections along Bonaguil Trail, visit the Image Spot and Custom Gobos product pages on the Rosco website.