The Experiential Learning Center (ELC) provides an interactive educational experience for visitors of all ages. The exhibits inside were designed to develop skills and have fun with geography, science, technology, engineering, and math (GSTEM).
Miro Cubes provide overall illumination and washes of color inside the ELC Training Center.
The design team installed over 100 Miro Cube WNC and Miro Cube 4C fixtures on a ceiling grid of DMX Track to illuminate the ELC Training Center. The WNC fixtures provided general illumination, while the 4C fixtures were used to create washes of color. They chose the Miro Cubes because of their compact, 4-inch cube profile and their bright output. The Miro Cube fixtures provided the designers with enough lumens to properly light the space, but they were small enough to remain unobtrusive in the ceiling up above. Miro Cube Egg Crate Louvers and Miro Cube Spread Lenses were also installed on the fixtures to provide optimal illumination where it was needed most inside the space.
ELC – Geography Exhibit
The designers used RoscoLED Tape to edge-light the panels inside the Geography Exhibit. The large map and touchscreen monitors in the center of the room are encompassed by etched acrylic panels. Strips of VariColor RoscoLED Tape were integrated into the panels to highlight the curved lines and continent outlines that were etched into the acrylic.
RoscoLED Tape edge-lights the etched acrylic panels inside the Geography exhibit.
ELC – DRASH Science Exhibits
RoscoLED Tape VariWhite was used to illuminate the interior of the Deployable Rapid Assembly Shelter (DRASH). The RoscoLED Tape is the light engine inside the suspended ceiling enclosures for this exhibit that teaches visitors how US Army scientists identify and control diseases.
Custom overhead light fixtures were built using RoscoLED Tape to illuminate the DRASH exhibit.
ELC – Chinook Helicopter Math Exhibits
The design team also integrated the VariWhite RoscoLED Tape inside the math activity area, which was created inside a Chinook Helicopter replica. The RoscoLED Tape was used to create two lines of continuous light on the ceiling. This enabled the designers to provide even illumination throughout this low-ceiling space.
RoscoLED Tape provides even illumination inside an exhibit with a low ceiling.
ELC – HUMMVEE Technology Exhibits
The VariWhite RoscoLED Tape was also used to illuminate the exterior of a HUMMVEE. Strips of RoscoLED Tape were installed along the upper edges of the vehicle to highlight banners that were mounted on its sides and back.
RoscoLED Tape illuminates exhibits on the outside of a HUMMVEE.
Fort Discover
Miro Cubes were selected to provide uniform lighting throughout Fort Discover. Dedicated to younger visitors, Fort Discover features several WNC Miro Cube fixtures on two linear recessed tracks that run the length of the ceiling. They were used to illuminate the space and draw attention to the exhibits on the walls.
Miro Cube WNC fixtures illuminate the Fort Discover exhibit.
Army Theater
The multisensory, 300° Army Theater provides an immersive introduction to the history of the United States Army. RoscoLED Tape VariColor was installed below the screen as “toe-kick” cove lighting. The design team then programmed the RoscoLED Tape to change colors so that the cove lighting would match the content on the screen.
Thanks to Chris Werner Design and The Scenic Route for sharing how they used Rosco LED lighting solutions to illuminate the exhibits inside The National Museum of the U.S. Army. If you’d like to see more examples of their work, please visit their respective websites:
The National Museum of the U.S. Army is a short drive from Washington, D.C. It's a great stop if you are interested in the history of the U.S. Army. Be sure to visit their website if you're planning a visit to the D.C. area:
For more information about the LED lighting solutions that were used to light the exhibits inside the museum, please explore the Rosco Miro Cube and RoscoLED Tape product pages on our website.
Content Marketing Specialist: Based in the Madrid office, Tatiana is ideally positioned to share inspiring stories of how customers use Rosco products to accomplish their ideas in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.