The Top Ten Features of the New Spectrum

In case you didn’t notice it, Rosco Spectrum just got a facelift. At least that’s what it looks like on the surface anyway. But, in reality, our beloved blog just got a complete overhaul! We’ve made a number of changes to the blog that should make it a better experience for everyone. Below are our ten favorite upgrades that we’re excited to share with you.

#1 More Content, More Content, More Content

Most of our posts up until now were long-form articles (800-1000 words) about a certain subject. We will continue to develop and publish these kind of posts, but the effort needed to create that content meant we only published two posts a month - at best. The new Spectrum posts will be easy-to-view and easy-to-digest with fewer words and more pictures, which means more content going up more frequently.


#2 The Posts Will Come From Someone Other Than Joel!

When Spectrum was originally launched, we introduced you to “your host” Joel Svendsen, and over the years, most of the posts came from him. Or at least, they appeared as if they came from him. In reality, several of the posts came from our team of product and market managers who supplied blog content that Joel posted up on their behalf. Now we’re giving credit where credit is due, and other key Rosco personnel will be authors of Spectrum blog posts. Want to know what Matt DeLong has to say about Entertainment Lighting, or what Steve Ramos has to report on the world of Architectural Lighting? Then you can subscribe to their posts via RSS and get notified every time one of their posts is published.


#3 Subscribe to the Content That Applies to You

Rosco is involved in five core markets: Entertainment Lighting, Scenic & Staging, Film/Television/Broadcast, Photography and Architectural Lighting. While there is definitely some crossover, we acknowledge that most of our photographic readers might not necessarily be interested in our posts about scenic paint. Similar to the way you can subscribe to an author, you can also set up an RSS subscription to our markets. That way, the content you’re most interested in gets delivered to you.


#4 Stay Connected to Spectrum Everywhere You Go

The new format is fully responsive, so it will re-size itself to display properly on any size screen - from smart phone, to tablet, to laptop, and even to 60” wide monitors.


#5 Read Spectrum Anywhere in the World - in Espanol, Français, Italiano…

The readership of Spectrum has grown more and more global over the years. Spectrum posts are now able to be automatically translated into almost any language.  This way, no matter where in the world you may be, you can connect with us.


#6 Participate in Polls

Some of our best ideas and content comes from you – our Rosco customers. The poll feature allows us the opportunity to interact with you on a variety of subjects. Our first few polls will be about getting to know you – the Spectrum reader – a little better so that we can try to match the content of the blog to your interests.


#7 Share the Love

Every Spectrum post will have buttons that allow you to share the post to your social media accounts, or email it to your friends and colleagues. Did you just read a post with a helpful scenic technique or a fascinating architectural lighting installation that you want to share? Then tweet that post – share that post – make your friends aware of that post.


#8 Featured Products

Many of our posts showcase how our customers have used our products in their work. This section will collect the product images from our most recent posts and link to their respective web pages.


#9 New Products

One of the most frequently asked questions we get is “what’s new at Rosco?” While many of our posts will feature the newest product releases for all of our markets – this page will collect all of the new products together in one handy location to quickly answer your “what’s new” question.


#10 Related Posts

You’ve come to the end of this post, but maybe you’re still hungry for more. After almost five years of posting, we’ve gathered a nice library of Spectrum blogs to refer back to. If the topic discussed in the blog you're reading is particularly interesting to you – then look to the bottom and you’ll find links to other similar posts for you to explore.

Joel Svendsen June 02, 2015 Questions?

About Joel Svendsen

Marketing Director: Joel's Rosco career began in Rosco's Hollywood office in 1999 – first in sales covering the Western US and the Los Angeles Film & Television market, and then as Product Manager for Rosco's Film & Television Products. Joel's knowledge about Rosco's products and how they're used in each of our different marketplaces makes him well suited for bringing the stories in Spectrum to life.

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