This is an excerpt from Hurlbut Visuals, one of the most knowledgeable bloggers in the film industry. Hurlbut Visuals was created by Lydia and Shane Hurlbut, ASC, to educate and inspire one filmmaker at a time. Through the creation of original content, Shane and his elite team test new products and experiment with innovative techniques. They share their results with the Hurlbut Visuals readership in blog entries in a way that is both engaging and informative … as you will see from this excerpt.
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I am always in pursuit of new lighting technology, and this Rosco LitePad Kit knocked me out with its size, versatility, color and punch. This light is LED technology, but used in a very different way than all the other lights on the market. It requires no heat syncs like a LitePanel light and is 3/8 of an inch thick. The big difference is that it does not fire the LED directly at you. It fires them sideways onto a white source that becomes your light. This is a very big deal. We are always looking for soft sources, and these are very creamy without diffusion added.
The main reason I was attracted to this kit is the light quality. Period. You can also purchase egg crates with the kit to control the source or use black wrap like I did to control the light in the taxi cab in The Ticket. We had the actress hold the light that kissed the underside of her cheek perfectly, while also lighting Vince in the center of the back seat. This was done with a single 6″ x 12″.

When we turned around on the scene, I turned to the 12” x 12” LitePad and filled the actors in from the front, creating the feel like the light was coming from the front window. We dialed it down with the dimmer. This was essential so that the outside lights of Sunset Blvd. that were playing inside the car were not overpowered.

The kit comes with 12 lights in a rolling Pelican case. Recently, I have used these lights on two commercial campaigns. Their small profile, the fact that they don’t generate much heat, and the different ways to power them have allowed me to utilize them in a lot of different scenarios.