There are many reasons why a production might be forced to cancel a location shoot. Sometimes budgets or local incentives change, sometimes cast or crew schedules change, and sometimes a global pandemic puts the entire world on lockdown. No matter what the reason, if your location shoot is ever canceled, the Rosco Digital Imaging team can provide your production with backdrop solutions that will enable you to re-create those location shots inside the sound stage. Below are three options filmmakers can rely on for quality background imagery with a quick turnaround.
Rosco offers an entire library of high definition, motion-picture-quality background motion plates from locations all around the world. Transport your cast and crew to any locale your scene calls for. Simply place a green screen outside the window of your set, and then use one of our RABBIT background video files to composite virtually any global location into the shot in post-production. Unlike other stock video sites, all of our RABBIT footage was shot by Rosco professionals solely for use as background plates – meaning they all feature realistic depth-of-field and proper horizon lines.

If your production has the time, we can always create a fully-customized backdrop for your set. However, if your location shoot was just canceled, chances are you need a backdrop solution with a quick turnaround. Rosco has been shooting, printing and storing digital backdrop imagery for more than three decades. Our Image Library features over 5,000 images that were shot specifically to be backgrounds. Once you've selected an image that works for your production, we can use that file to print a new drop for your production, or we can provide a high resolution version to use as a still compositing plate in post. The Rosco Digital Imaging team can also manipulate images in the library and customize them to match the need of any project.
Scrambling for a way to set your scene in Paris, London or other parts of Europe? We have hundreds of rental backdrops that can play as European city skylines, landscapes, and residential backgrounds. Stocked in our Sun Valley, CA; Stamford, CT; and Madrid, Spain locations, many of our rental backdrops feature our Academy Award® winning Day/Night technology. It's also worth noting that all of our rental drops were created for prior productions – so, you’ll have the peace-of-mind knowing that they’ve already been battle-tested on set.
Plans always change, and they change fast. Rosco Digital Imaging is here to help you get the background imagery your production needs – on time and on budget. Explore the Rosco Digital Imaging website or, for even faster service, contact our Rosco Digital Team to get started right away.