April is National Donate Life Month and Donor Alliance, a non-profit organ procurement organization, worked with hospitals throughout Colorado and Wyoming to literally shine a spotlight on their buildings and bring attention to their #ShowYourHeart Project in support of organ, eye and tissue donation. Working with Lighting Designer Heather Smith, Donor Alliance used Rosco Image Spot LED fixtures and our Custom Glass Gobos to project their messaging on the hospital buildings all April long.
Wyoming Medical Center - Casper, WY
Heather, being a designer on the West Coast, initially reached out to Emily Stadulis, Rosco’s West Coast Account Rep., to talk about her gobo needs. The conversation soon turned to fixtures as well and Emily introduced Heather to the Image Spot. Emily coordinated a demo unit for Heather through Brian Ellsworth at Forman & Associates, Rosco’s Manufacturer’s Rep. for Southern California, so that she could experiment with the Image Spot. Heather found the fixture’s bright output and crystal-clear optics quite alluring as she knew that some of the hospitals would have a far throw. The fact that the fixture was available in an outdoor-rated, IP-65 model made the Image Spot even more appealing and she strategically placed several Image Spots and Custom Gobos at participating hospitals in Colorado and Wyoming.
“This year’s #ShowYourHeart Project is a celebration of the heroes in communities across Colorado and Wyoming who recognize and share the far-reaching impact of organ, eye, and tissue donation,” said Sue Dunn, President and CEO of Donor Alliance. “As roughly 2,000 people in our community await a lifesaving transplant, we know that raising awareness and encouraging more residents to sign up to be donors is critical. National Donate Life Month is a time to pause and reflect that the gift of life is precious.” We were honored to be a part of such an important event and we thank Heather Smith and everyone at Donor Alliance for choosing Rosco to help promote their cause.
For more information about organ and tissue donation, please visit DonorAlliance.org, and if you’d like to learn more about Donor Alliance’s #ShowYourHeart Project, you can read their press release here.

If you’ve got a cause or an event you’d like to promote with gobos, please explore the products that Heather Smith and Donor Alliance used by visiting the Image Spot product page and the Custom Gobo product page on Rosco’s website.