Weston Letters is a Los Angeles-based sign company that has provided signage solutions since the 1960’s for the entertainment industry, construction projects and property management companies. James Kazanchyan from Weston Letters describes the company by saying, “we are small enough to be agile and responsive, but sophisticated enough to take on difficult and unusual projects.” One of the projects they took on was decorating the entire IAC building in Hollywood with a rainbow-themed design for Pride Week 2018 in Los Angeles.

IAC is the parent company of many popular apps/websites – including Tinder – and their home is located on Sunset Blvd., right in the vicinity of many of the L.A. Gay Pride festivities. Their goal in decorating the building was not only to gain corporate exposure to all of the Gay Pride visitors, but they also wanted to show a strong sign of support for their LGBQT communities.

Weston Letters worked the #JUSTBE theme into the design on the first level windows.
The design needed to be installed for the entire month of June, and the Weston Letters team determined that installing long runs of GamColor filters in all of the windows was the best solution. Simply by leaving the office lights on, they could create a vibrant symbol of Gay Pride right on the Sunset Strip.

After considering LED flood fixtures, other plastic films, and a few other options, James and his team at Weston Letters decided on using a colored film solution, noting how it would provide a visual impact – both at night and during the day. After comparing several plastic films, they found that the GamColor filters provided “brighter and more uniform colors” than the others and determined that the thicker GamColor filters would be easier to install, would survive the month-long installation better and would be easier to remove and possibly save if IAC wanted to do the same thing next year.

Thanks to James Kazanchyan and his team at Weston Letters for sharing this story with us: www.westonletters.com. If you have a similar project where you need to create bold, vibrant colors with plastic film – please explore all of our Rosco Color Filters as a potential solution.