According to photographer Karen Yaniv-Guidanian, bringing a fog machine on set adds an element of mystery to her pictures and highlights the beam’s path of light in the frame. Karen recently reviewed the Rosco Mini-V for after she put it to work in a photo shoot.
For her “Claudia” photo shoot, Karen needed the theatrical smoke to hug the floor of the studio. In order to make the fog stay low to the ground, you’ve got to make it cold, which makes the fog denser than the air around it. To accomplish this, Karen fashioned a simple chiller tube using PVC pipe. She outfitted the PVC pipe with a lid at the end that had an slit-opening at the bottom to let the chilled smoke out. After that, she placed dry ice inside the PVC pipe (caution – do not allow the dry ice to directly touch your skin) and placed her "chiller tube" in front of the Mini-V. “It worked – Hallelujah!” Karen said as the low-lying fog crept around the model’s pillow and created a soft, cloud-like feel for her photographs.

“I really enjoyed using the Rosco Mini-V. It’s easy to operate, and it’s compact – making it easy to carry. I highly recommended this tool for photographers. You can create a variety of effects with it, and you can paint the smoke different colors by using Rosco gels and give it different shapes by using products like the Light Blaster.”
To see more of Karen Yaniv-Guidanian’s work, visit her website and be sure to follow her on Facebook. Visit the Mini-V webpage to learn more about the fog machine she used in this project.
