Rosco is currently in the midst of our busiest tradeshow season ever! We just wrapped up our European batch of tradeshows, which included four major exhibitions:
IBC in Amsterdam (Sept. 6-11)
PLASA in London (Sept. 6-9)
Photokina in Cologne (Sept. 18-23)
Cinec in Munich (Sept. 22-24)

In addition to all of those shows, we just wrapped Broadcast India in Mumbai, India to promote Rosco products in Asia and the Middle East. For those of you involved in tradeshow set-up, take a look at some of the working conditions that greeted our team when they arrived.

Broadcast India - main power distribution.
Our efforts at all of these shows were invested to introduce our our new products – namely: LitePad Loop to photographers, filmmakers and broadcasters, as well as Cool Ink Gobos & our Brand New line of MIRO CUBE LED wash fixtures to our theatrical and live event customers.
LitePad Loop, our LED based ring light for photo & video, was introduced at IBC, Broadcast India, Cinec and Photokina. The feedback we got back was great! Check out this time-lapse video from our Photokina booth to see how much attention LitePad Loop got in an hour:
The most amount of interest for LitePad Loop has been generated by crews that shoot interviews - confessional-style interviews for reality shows were of particular interest. Photographers that shoot high school senior portraits, headshots and pictures of newborns particularly also showed a lot of enthusiasm for this new light that produces flattering, easy-to-look at light for their subjects.

At Plasa, we introduced our customers to the new Cool Ink plastic gobos for LED ellipsoidals and previewed our new Pixel Patterns product that puts all of our digital images on a thumb drive that can be uploaded to media servers for projection. The opacity, image resolution and gradient quality of our Cool Ink HD gobos was a big hit among live event designers looking for an affordable, high quality option to glass gobos.

We also unveiled our new MIRO CUBE range of LED wash fixtures at all of these shows. Designed and engineered by The Black Tank, we have a line of fixtures that include the MIRO CUBE 4C: a color changing unit, the MIRO CUBE WNC: a tunable color temperature, white light unit, and the MIRO CUBE UV: a black light emitter. There will be another Spectrum post coming that will go into greater detail about the engineering and specific features of this unit. For now, here is a quick list of features that the crowds at IBC, Plasa, Cinec , Photokina and Broadcast India got excited about:
All of the MIRO CUBES produce a shocking amount of light! Seeing is believing, and you’ll be amazed at the amount of light this 4” cube generates. The 4” Form Factor and its featherweight 2.5 pounds make these lights easy to install anywhere! Hide them in sets, mount several inside box truss, and even mount them onto track. Event, broadcast and themed-environment customers saw the huge benefit of having such a punchy unit in such a compact form.

Both the tunable-color-temperature-white-light MIRO CUBE WNC and color-changing MIRO CUBE 4C have a ‘filament-mode’ that mimics the fading glow of an incandescent lamp. This means that the MIRO CUBES hanging in theaters, concerts and broadcast studios can have the same fade to black as the traditional, tungsten units that might be hanging right next to it - without the typical snap-to-black most LEDs have at the lower end of their dimming curve.

The high-powered MIRO CUBE UV outperforms other long-throw blacklight fixtures that are ten times its size! Plus, designers finally have a powerful UV light that dims! Customers that design UV effects for themed environments such as theme parks, casinos, bowling alleys, museums and aquariums walked away from the show ready to use this impressive fixture in their next project.
Starting this week, the tradeshow season continues! We’re getting ready to exhibit all of these great new products at three upcoming tradeshows here in the US:

LDI in Las Vegas – October 18-21
Photo Plus Expo in New York – October 25-27
Plasa Focus in Stamford, CT – November 12-13
For those of you counting - that's EIGHT major exhibitions in TEN WEEKS! We're working very hard to introduce you to these great new products. We hope you have the opportunity to meet us at one of the upcoming shows. Not only will you get introduced to the great products listed above, but we’ll also have some previews of other new technology that we'll be releasing soon! See you on the show floor!