When people think of green screens, they often think of huge, green cycloramas. This is especially true for science fiction projects. Sometimes, however, a set design needs small green screens so that visual effects can be added into those smaller areas later. That was the case for Filmmaker Kyle Kelley whose most recent project was a sci-fi-themed ad for a sound effects company. Kyle used Rosco Chroma Key Green Paint so that he could add some VFX into the control panel of his spaceship in post-production.
The commercial, entitled “Epidemic Sound & Beyond” ? was created in collaboration with Epidemic Sound to showcase the addition of over 90,000 new premium sound effects to their library. The ad captures the power of a child’s imagination as it transforms a simple cardboard box with “Epic Adventures” drawn on it into an interstellar spacecraft. Once Kyle and his team saw the storyboards for the ad, they knew they had to figure out how to build the interior of an epic
Once the set was built, Kyle added small green screens onto his control console. “I knew Rosco Chroma Key Paint would be perfect for this job,” Kyle reported. “It's the best green screen paint for any film project.” Kyle and his team only needed to paint a few small areas, so the one-quart can was perfect for the project.
Rosco Chroma Key Paint is manufactured using single-colored pigments (no mixing – only pure green!) and it dries in an ultra-flat finish. These features made it very easy for Kyle’s VFX artist to
replace the small green screens in post-production with digital readouts that added drama and tension into the scene.
Watch the BTS video below to see how Kyle and his crew brought all of the elements together to create their “Epidemic Sound & Beyond” ? commercial. If you’re interested, you can also watch Kyle’s “Director’s Cut” of the commercial by clicking here. According to Kyle, he put this version together because “he didn’t think there were enough spaceship shots in the thirty-second version.”
Kyle Kelley is a Director and Producer based in Kansas City, Missouri. His portfolio includes award-winning narrative short films and commercial projects. A lover of film, Kyle strives to tell great stories that stay with an audience. If you’d like to learn more about Kyle’s work, follow him on Instagram - @kylerichardkelley.