
Light Up Hope - Light It Up Gold

Written by Steve Ramos | September 24, 2015

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and Gold is the official color of this growing cause. Since 1978, Childhood Cancer International has utilized a gold ribbon and buildings bathed in golden light as their symbols to honor kids from around the world that are battling against child and adolescent cancer. Each September, hundreds of prominent buildings and iconic landmarks around the globe commit to Light It Up Gold.

CCI represents 188 childhood cancer parent organizations in 98 countries

When it comes to raising awareness for childhood cancer - Ireland may very well take the gold medal! By offering a simple Light It Up Gold solution, Ireland has a very high participation rate in the program. For venues that have invested in color-mixing, LEDs for their exterior lighting – lighting up their building gold is as easy as pushing a few buttons. Ireland’s Childhood Cancer Foundation made it just as easy to Light It Up Gold by introducing Rosco e-colour+ #550 Gold Medal to would-be participants.

Providing sheets and rolls of e-colour+ as simple lighting solutions made it easy for a large number of organizations across Ireland to Light It Up Gold this year. Someday, we’ll have an abundance of cures and our kids won’t ever have to fight any sort of cancer again - that’s the Hope part. Until then, we encourage you to look for ways that you can light up your local organizations & businesses gold and continue to raise awareness of childhood cancer in your community.